Image Name. Is the image used to create the map. You can load a new image without loose any shape.
Map Name. Is the name that identify the map in HTML documents.
Alternative Text. This text will appear on none graphical browsers like Alinx or when 'normal' browsers has activated the 'no images' option. It is the same used in IMG HTML tag.
Hyperlink. This is where current shape point.
Coordenates. Show you the current position of mouse pointer over the image.
Target. Set the target parameter, by default is empty, but it is useful in HTML documents with frames.
In documents with frames you should enter in the string the name of the frameset where you want that the link will be loaded.

Other parameters:

  • _blank: Opens a new browser window.
  • _parent: the link will load in parent browser window.
  • _self: the link will load in the same frame.
  • _top: link will be load in the same window, without any frame.